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Meet the Team: Meet the Team
Chris Metcalfe chiropractor

Dr. Chris Metcalfe


This is Chris.

A new father of one, hiker, nature lover and gym-goer. Chris understands how overwhelming and frustrating pain and injury can be; having overcome numerous injuries himself throughout his life. He is committed to supporting his patients navigate their recovery journey both physically and mentally by transitioning them into a pain-free maintenance mode as quickly as possible.

Chris is passionate about supporting his patients with health and wellness advice to remain pain and injury free well into the future.


Dr. Michael Binnie


This is Michael.

He is a Chiropractor and makes up the other half of the Chiro Guys.

A mountain biker, surfer and father of three. Michael is committed to helping his patients navigate the recovery process to pain free living. He views manual therapy as the catalyst for positive change in a client’s journey, backed up by a movement-based rehab program.

Micheal endeavours to leave you with the knowledge and tools to keep you fit and healthy long after your time is up at the Chiro Guys.

Our Chiros

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